Rain, Jung Ji Hoon is a well known actor and R&B/Pop singer in South Korea. Recently, he has successfully made his debut in America as well. Is he going to be as hot as Justin Timberlake or even Michael Jackson?
Thanks for your comment in my blog, i just saw it! i too think he should defi consider dying his hair b/c the current one is too dark and thte style is so not that appealing :)
Hey, you have the coolest place on earth here! wow! how did you come up with this cool idea! Would it be possible if i link to you blog?
liew yee min- certainly, you can add mine anytime, I'll do the necessary in return.
addmonkey- I'm not too sure, I got it from the press.
doink- yeah, sorry for not putting up new polls lately, I'm extremely busy with work as I just recently joined a new company, a BIG company. =) Lemme settle down 1st, and I'll post again soon. Cheers
Even hotter!
Shai- alright, that's the spirit I wanna see
I don't think so. Justin and Michael is too hot and too high for Rain to reach.
Ooops no idea. I am not into music..
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your comment in my blog, i just saw it! i too think he should defi consider dying his hair b/c the current one is too dark and thte style is so not that appealing :)
Hey, you have the coolest place on earth here! wow! how did you come up with this cool idea! Would it be possible if i link to you blog?
shenyue- hey, thanks for dropping by. Certainly you can link to my blog anytime, my pleasure. Cheers
Rain is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for his World Tour.
Rain fever is here to stay. He sure is gorgeous. :)
Hi, just wondering if you could add a link to my blog - your's is already up on my blogroll.
Crankshaft- Yeah, Rain fever, Rain wave is here to stay.
Anders- Certainly, but where's your blogroll? I couldn't locate it.
Successfully made his debut in America? How and where?
been busy at work ? any new voting poll ? am patiently awaiting for new poll. ;-)
liew yee min- certainly, you can add mine anytime, I'll do the necessary in return.
addmonkey- I'm not too sure, I got it from the press.
doink- yeah, sorry for not putting up new polls lately, I'm extremely busy with work as I just recently joined a new company, a BIG company. =) Lemme settle down 1st, and I'll post again soon. Cheers
I don't think so...as his language is limited...although he have some english ones
wahaha... honestly speaking.. i haven seen any of his dances or singing.
wahlau.net- I haven't heard him speaking English, no comment at this moment
ying- you should go check it out then
Rain's a GIRLS name rite? mmm
nah justin timberlake's way hotter! =P heheh
No way as hot as Michael Jackson! Hes the king! Cant wait for his new album this year!!!!
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