Personally I think, 'American Idol' would not be the same show without either of the 3 judges. What say you?
Poll ended on 02April'2007
A poll blog for research and fun!
Personally I think, 'American Idol' would not be the same show without either of the 3 judges. What say you?
Poll ended on 02April'2007
Posted by Chris at 10:16 PM
Labels: Celebrities, Entertainment, TV Show
Hey Chris, what a long absence....Btw, I'm a die hard fan of AI
Hmm.. Simon puts the spice into American Idol.. if all of them are too nice.. there's no more spice hahaha..
chris! @@" Hmm.. CNY over liao.. :O How leh.. is our mahjong game still on ma? @@"
hmm.. add me msn lo.. I'm a guy ler btw @@"
IMMomsDaughter- yeah, I was rather busy with the CNY's celebration, hehe, thanks for asking, have you submitted your vote?
dotmyspot- of course still on lah, I knew you're a guy, although CNY's over, still can play mah
American Idol loves to watch.. if no Simon.. pretty bored!
Nicole- well, thanks for your vote
cannot..must have him! without him, things won't be the same! hehe
huei- lol, but frankly speaking, *whisper* he's annoying =)
I can't miss a single episode of American Idol 'cuz I myself a singing freak too :p Anyway, Simon speaks with confidence when judging the contestants. It's like he could foresee who will make it big and who will not. I kinda agree with his comments at times. AI is not fun without him :p
winston- good, but he's annoying still. =P
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