This blog is not meant to give you a hard time reading long articles. I'm going to keep it simple, so that you and I are going to love this blog. I'm going to come out with polls that cover any topics, and every poll is going to have no expiry unless stated.
I would really appreciate if you could rock your vote! That's right!
I think you have a good idea for a blog and I expecially like that you want to keep it simple and not give viewers a hard time reading long articles. This is a good strategy for pleasing internet readers.
So with this in mind and 35 years experience as a graphic artist I want to suggest that you change your layout to dark text on a light background. I know that light text on a dark background seems to be popular these days but it is really difficult on the eyes and the stats show a large portion of internet viewers are turned off by it. (myself included)
Just a friendly suggestion, take it for what its worth.
Hi stratman,
Thank you so much for the suggestion. It's definitely a worthy comment. Alright, gimme a couple of days, lemme work on the new layout then. Cheers.
Hi! Like your interesting concept. Will be a good tool for people to understand anything they want better too...!
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